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Q: Why did eisenhower intervene in the little rock controversy?
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Why did president Kennedy refuse to intervene with the integration of the little rock nine?

He wasn't president then - Eisenhower was. Eisenhower did intervene.

How did President Eisenhower reat to the integration in little rock arkans?

President Dwight D. Eisenhower's used federal troops to enforce integration in Little Rock, Arkansas

When did Eisenhower sends troops to Little Rock?

September 1957.

What was the name of the high school in Little Rock that was at the center of a controversy in 1957?

== ==

Who was President during the Little Rock Nine?

Dwight Eisenhower. MLM

When did Dwight D. Eisenhower inforce school intagration in Little Rock Arkansas?

In September of 1954 President Dwight D. Eisenhower enforced the school integration. He sent troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to ensure the safety of the new black students.

Who was the president of the US during the Little Rock Central crisis?

Eisenhower was the President in 1957 when the crisis over integration occurred at Little Rock Central High School.

Why did eisenhower send troops to Little Rock Arkansas in 195?

To enforce the integration of the high school there

In 1957 president eisenhower used federal troops in Little Rock Arkansas to?

integrate the public schools

What is the name of the high school where the 9 black attended in Arkansas?

If you mean the "Little Rock Nine" that Eisenhower had the freaking 101st Airborne escort into the school, it was Little Rock Central High School.

What city did president eisenhower send federal troops to protect African American students?

Little Rock, Arkansas

What president sent us troops to escort black students to little rock?

president truman