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Q: Why did Zachary Taylor move his family to Kentucky?
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Who did Daniel Boone take with to Kentucky?

Originally no one. He once stated he went to Kentucky to get away from people. Eventually he will a cabin and move his family to Kentucky.

Why was President Polk's grand strategy concerning General Zachary Taylor's men in Mexico flawed?

Following the Battle of Buena Vista, President Polk wanted General Zachary Taylor to move south and conquer Mexico City. However, it was almost impossible to supply General Taylor's army in such an endeavor. The supply lines would have been too long.

When did Lincoln move from Kentucky?

Lincoln was 7 years old when his family moved from Kentucky to Indiana.

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Wrigley Field was built in 1914. The Cubs didn't move in until 1916.

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When Abe was two, his family moved 10 miles northeast from his birthplace to another farm in Kentucky. When he was 7, they all moved to Indiana.

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Taylor Swift did play in a move she played in valentines day

In the State of Kentucky can a 16-year-old live with a friend and her family without her parents' consenting to the move?

Not legally. If you're parents report you missing, the police can pick you up and arrest the family.

Why did Daniel Boone move?

to Kentucky

Who is Zachary Gowan and where does he live?

Zachary gowan is 13, he lives in brady, he used to live in Henrietta, Texas, but he is a foster kid and had to move!!!!!!!!!! Written by:) Zachary Allen gowan He is the awesomest kid that ever lived!!!!!!!!!!1

Turkey moves to France when?

They move to France when their mothers move to Kentucky.

Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln were born in the state of?

Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln were born in the southern state of Kentucky. The Lincoln family would eventually move and settle in Illinois. The Davis family would eventually move and settle in Mississippi.

Where did Taylor Swift move?

Taylor Swift moved to Tennesse when she was 14!