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Roosevelt did not 'let' Taft become president. Taft was elected.

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Q: Why did Roosevelt let William Howard Taft became president?
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Who was the President when Oklahoma became a state?

November16, 1907, the President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, signed the proclamation that made Oklahoma the forty-sixth state in the Union.

How did Theodore roosevelt become president in 1901?

Theodore Roosevelt became President in 1901 when President William McKinley was assassinated that year. Roosevelt became the 26th President of the United States.

Who became potus after Teddy Roosevelt?

William Howard Taft

What happened that led Theodore Roosevelt to become president?

Theodore Roosevelt was elected Vice President for President William McKinley in 1900. When McKinley was assassinated in September of 1901, Roosevelt became President

Why did Roosevelt become president?

Theodore Roosevelt was Vice-President of William McKinley. Ehen McKinley was assassinated in 1901, Roosevelt became President.

Was william howard taft ever vice president?

Yes, he was the fattest president. They made him a custom-sized bathtub in the White House. It can fit about 4 men.

Who was president before roosevlt was president?

Theodore Roosevelt became President when President William McKinley was assassinated.

Who became president when William mckinely died in office?

Vice President Theodore Roosevelt was sworn in as President after McKinley died. Teddy Roosevelt then became the 26th President of the U.S.Theodore RooseveltTheodore Roosevelt

Who was govnenor of the Philippines then later on became president?

William Howard Taft

What job did President McKinley give to Roosevelt in 1897?

In 1897, President William McKinley was elected with Thoedore Roosevelt as his vice president. However, in 1901, William McKinley was assasinated by Leon Czolgosz, and Theodore Roosevelt became president.

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William McKinley prior to Theodore RooseveltHerbert Hoover prior to Franklin Delano RooseveltTheodore Roosevelt was the Vice President of William McKinley. When McKinley was assassinated in September of 1901, Roosevelt became President.Herbert Hoover was president just before Franklin Roosevelt .

Why did William Howard Taft run for president?

William Howard Taft didnit want to become president, he wanted to become the Cheif Justice of the United States. Theodore Roosevelt didn't run for a third term for presidency and thouht Taft waould make a wonderful President, but he was sadly mistaken.