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Q: Why did President Polk send Zachary Taylor's troops into the disputed border region?
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What American general led troops into disputed Mexican territory causing a border clash that led to the Mexican-American war?

General Zachary Taylor

How did President James K. Polk get American to go to war with Mexico?

By having Mexico start the war by driving the Mexican forces out of the disputed border region in Texas & make the border secure.

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disputed border that runs along the crestline of the himalayas

What do the red borders on Google Earth indicate?

a border that two or more countries can't decide on. (disputed border)

When was the clash in a disputed border territory leading to a declaration of war on Mexico?

See the Thornton Affair.

The us government precipitated a crisis with Mexico by?

deploying an army in a disputed border area. :P

Which border had its border set at the 49th parallel by president Polk and Britain in 1849?

The area that had its border set at the 49th parallel by President Polk and Britain in 1849 is Oregon.

Why did Germany invade Czechoslovakia before the war?

In the summer of 1938, Germany and Czechoslovakia began to quarrel over the disputed border area of the Sudetenland.

Which area had its border set at the 49th parallel by President Polk and Britain in 1849?

The area that had its border set at the 49th parallel by President Polk and Britain in 1849 is Oregon.

Is there really a few feet along the boarder of the US and Canada that is technically not in either country?

No. The border between Canada and the USA is well defined and not disputed.

What president was responsible for seizing Texas from Mexico?

John Tyler was the President when Texas became a state. What happened was that the Texans revolted from their Mexican government and became an independent country. They then asked to join the US and were accepted. The US did not seize Texas from Mexico, except for a disputed area along the border when was ceded to the US as a result of the Mexican War and which one might say was seized by the US. Ja,es Polk wqas President during this war.