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Richard Nixon vetoed the War Powers Act in 1973 because he believed it gave too much power to the Congress. He believed the president needed some war powers to be able to quickly protect the nation in the event of hostilities.

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Q: Why did President Nixon veto the war power act?
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What act of congress was passed in 1973 overriding a veto by President Nixon?

War powers act.

The president power to veto an act of congress is what?

The answer is contained within the question. It is called a "VETO."

What do you call the power of the president to reject any act of congress?

Power of veto.

Which Nixon veto did congress override?

Congress overrode 7 Nixon vetoes. Two of these were: the "Clean Water Act" in 1972 and the "War Powers Act of 1973". Here are links to those bills:

Can the president veto if the congress votes along party lines?

The president can veto any act of Congress.

Did President Nixon's pocket veto of the 1970 Family Practice of Medicine Act violate a standing informal agreement between the presidency and the congress?

Until President Nixon used the Christmas break of 1970 to veto the Family Practice Medicine Act of 1970, there had been an inform agreement that using a "vacation break" in order to expedite a pocket veto would never occur. Both senators Kennedy and Javits objected to Nixon's actions and based their position on the ideas handed down from James Madison. Nevertheless, Nixon stood on firm constitutional grounds by taking advantage of the Christmas break and the US Supreme Court ruled in the president's favor.

Why did a federal judge rule that President Nixon's pocket veto of the Family Practice of Medicine Act to be unconstitutional?

The federal judge's decision on the Nixon pocket veto of the Family Practice of Medicine was overturned. The claim and lawsuit was filed by Senator Edward Kennedy claiming the president unlawfully negated the rights of the US Congress. The ruling blamed Congress for choosing to adjourn.

How do you youse vetoes in a sentence?

The president used his veto power to reject the proposed legislation from Congress.

How can a President check acts of Congress?

A President can veto an Act of Congress.

Why did Richard Nixon veto the clean water bill act?

Nixon operated under the principle that government should meet the cost-benefit standards as analyzed by the Office of Management and Budget. Nixon initially supported the act, but when OMB calculated the cost of the legislation at $18 billion, Nixon felt the benefit was not worth the cost. After Congress overrode his veto in 1972, Nixon impounded half the money. This impoundment, along with many more impoundments of congressionally authorized deficit spending, eventually led to the Impoundment Act of 1974, which prohibited the President from withholding authorized funds from the various department secretaries.

What document is based upon veto power?

The document that is base upon veto power is the United States Constitution, Article I. It requires that every resolution, bill , order or other act of legislation by the Congress to be presented to the President for his approval.

An act of congress which has been signed by the president or passed over his veto?

Laws are acts that are signed by the president of passed by Congress over his veto.