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Q: Why did George Washington did not attend the Philadelphia convention?
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Why did George Washington change his mind about attending the constitutional convention?

George Washington hesitated to go to the Constitutional Convention because he was suffering from Rheumatism, he had just lost his brother, he had to manage Mount Vernon, he doubted that the convention was going to accomplish very many things and he thought alot of other men with high stature were going to attend.

Who were the two most famous American to attend the constitutional convention?

George washington and benjamin franklin

Who were the two most famous Americans to attend the constitutional convention?

George Washington and Benjamin Franklin

Why didn't George Washington want to attend the Constitutional Convention?

Because it might be considered that he had a political motive.

Why did Benjamin Franklin feel he needed to attend the constitutional convention?

Benjamin Franklin was eager to have George Washington attend the Constitutional Convention because Franklin planned to nominate Washington for presidency there. The nomination, however, was put forth by the Pennsylvania delegation first.

Which state did not attend the Philadelphia convention in 1787?

Rhode Island did not send anyone to the 1787 Philadelphia convention to represent their state.

The missing delegates of the Philadelphia convention of 1787?

what is the missing delegates of the philadelphia convention of 1787 **** Rhode Island did not attend the conventions in 1787. ****

How many delegates were supposed to attend the Constitutional Convention?

There were 55 delegates that were suppose to attend the Constitutional Convention. This convention was held in 1787 in Philadelphia.

Describe the members of the Philadelphia convention as a group?

The members of the Philadelphia Convention were George Washington, the most respected & honored main in the country, James Madison, often called the "Father of the Constitution", and Benjamin Franklin, was 81 and in poor health. There were also many more.

Framers are the group of delegates who attend the Philadelphia convention True Or False?


Did roger Sherman attend the Philadelphia convention in 1787?

Yes, he did he was a delegate from Connecticut

Which state chose not to attend the convention in philadelphia?

because paul montoya was the boss