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he needed the union complete.

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Q: Why did Andrew Johnson want to pardon southerners who killed blacks?
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Who killed vice president Johnson?

Vice President Andrew Johnson nor Lyndon B. Johnson were not killed

What happened first Lincoln killed Johnson impeached blacks granted suffrage or enforcement acts?

What happened firstLincoln killed (1865)Johnson impeached (1868)Blacks granted suffrage (1870-- 15th amendment)

Why was Andrew Johnson imortant after Lincoln s death?

Andrew Johnson of Tennessee was Vice President. He became President when Lincoln was killed.

Who replaced Abraham Lincoln in presidency when he died?

Andrew Johnson replaced Lincoln after Lincoln was killed.

Why did Andrew Johnson become the president?

Johnson was vice-president under Lincoln. After Lincoln was killed, Johnson became president.

What month did Andrew Johnson become president?

It was in mid April , 1865 that Lincoln was killed and Johnson became president.

Who was the 17th president?

Andrew Johnson was the 17th President. He was the vice-president under Lincoln and became President after Lincoln was killed.

Which president was a tailer as a boy before becoming president when Abraham Lincoln was killed?

Andrew Johnson

Who was the president at the beginning of reconstruction?

Andrew Johnson had that job after Lincoln was killed soon after the war ended.

What war was going on when Andrew Johnson was president?

No war in the US. The Civil War ended about a week before Lincoln was killed and Johnson became President.

Who was the President of the United States before Andrew Johnson?

Before Johnson was Abraham Lincoln. Johnson was Lincoln's vice-president.

Who was the seventeeth president of America?

Vice-president Andrew Johnson became the 17th US president when Lincoln was killed.