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Q: Why did Andrew Jackson believe that the Indians posed a threat to the nation?
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What Native American nation did Andrew Jackson and his troops attack in Florida?

the Seminoles

What does jaksa chula harjo mean?

Jaksa Chula Harjo is the Cherokee Indian name for the American President, Andrew Jackson. The man recognized as doing the most harm to the Cherokee Nation.

Which US president deported the Cherokee nation to Oklahoma causing the Trail of Tears?

Andrew Jackson

What topic did Andrew Jackson address in a letter to his wife dated Sept 18 1816?

Andrew Jackson addressed several topics in his letters to his wife. He wrote about their son, the treaty with the Cherokee Nation, and bone shards in his shoulder.

How were George Washington and Andrew Jackson so very different as Presidents?

Washington put the welfare of the nation before his own. Andrew Jackson did things that were based off of how he felt and said it was best for the people.

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What native tribe did Andrew Jackson battle in 1813?

Andrew Jackson led the US Army against the Muscogee (Creek Confederation) during the Creek War (1813-1814). In August 30, 1813 a faction of the Creek Indian Nation called the Red Sticks slew nearly 250 Alabama settlers in a brutal manner, resulting in the calling out of two 2,500 man forces, one under Jackson to punish and stop the Indians. The Creek nation (only a fraction of which had been in rebellion) was essentially crushed. They were forced to cede three fifths of the present state of Alabama and one fifth of Georgia.

What was the nation's thoughts on slavery when Andrew Jackson was president?

More people were in favor of eliminating slavery than in the past.

Who was the first president to be nominated to a nation convention?

Andrew Jackson was nominated by the first national political convention in 1832.

What did Andrew Jackson do for your nation?

In 1835, Jackson managed to reduce the federal debt to only $33,733.05, the lowest it has been since the first fiscal year of 1791.

In 1827 which group of people declared themselves an independent nation?

Cherokee Indians I believe.

What was Andrew Jackson's attitude toward nullification?

Andrew Jackson was against nullification, as long as it served his own purposes. Jackson became infamous for nullifying the Supreme Court decision in favor of the Cherokee nation. He is noted for saying something to the effect, "Let the Supreme Court enforce their decision."