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it is basic form of camouflage.

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Q: Why are US navy ships grey in color?
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How many fighter aircraft does the US Navy have?

The Air Force has Aircraft not Ships. The Navy has Ships.

How many ships does the US Navy had in 1916?

245 active ships

What color is a fighter?

During the Vietnam War, the US Navy & US Marine Corps had silver/grey colored jet fighters. The USAF painted most of their jets in camoflage.

What color were US Navy helmets during World War 2?

I Dont Really Know But I Think It Green And Brown!!! Cause they have to hide in the dirt and in the green grass!!! Many Navy helmets were grey. The Navy is fond of the paint color affectionally referred to as "battleship grey". However, the Navy used several different style helmets including a large one that allowed the wearer to use the ship intercom ear-piece.

What was the original purpose of the US Marines?

To protect the ships and bases of the US Navy.

What advantages did the US Navy have?

Privateers and more powerful ships.

How many ships are there in one Navy fleet?

Hi there, My research shows that the US Military is ranked #1 for its Navy Ship quantity, it is also ranked #1 for the overall strength. Currently the US Military own 1,599 Navy Ships. Hope this helped!

When was the US navy biggest?

The US Navy reached it's maximum number of ships in 1945 at the end of World War 2

Where US Navy Ships built with material made of asbestos?

Prior to about 1975, asbestos was a common material in insulation around pipes and boilers in Navy Ships.

How many ships should the US navy maintain?

At least 200

Does the US Army have more ships then the US Navy?

Absolutely not - the U.S. Navy currently has the largest afloat Navy in the world, and with the collapse of the Soviet Union, no other nation is even close in size or strength. Army ships are generally logistics, landing, or electronics telemetry receiving ships and tugs. They are few in number compared to the Navy, since the Navy's mission is to keep global sea lanes open. A link below shows the current list of Army ships, excluding the US Army Corps of Engineers.

What color is the seal of the president of the US?
