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Dred Scott was the famous slave who sued to gain his freedom and was denied by the US Supreme Court in Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857). The decision in this case is considered one of the catalysts of the US Civil War.

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You are asking about Dred Scott. He lost his case and the Supreme Court upheld the philosophy that a slave was property and didn't have rights to be heard in court.

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Dred Scott

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Q: Whose lawsuit to gain freedom was denied in a landmark US Supreme Court decision?
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Whose lawsuit for freedom was denied by the supreme court?

Dred Scott

Slave who sued for his freedom and lost?

Dred Scott, an enslaved African American man, sued for his freedom in the landmark 1857 Supreme Court case Dred Scott v. Sandford. The court ruled against him, stating that as a black person, he was not a citizen and therefore could not file a lawsuit. This decision intensified national tensions over slavery and ultimately contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War.

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No. According to, the AP story about the lawsuit was an April Fool's hoax, and the group Americans for Freedom of Information does not exist (or didn't at the time the rumor was originally circulated). The US Supreme Court has already rejected numerous cases challenging Obama's citizenship, and has clearly signaled it does not consider the question valid.


An organization that promotes the rights and welfare of black people. It is one of the oldest civil rights organization in the United States, founded in 1909. Among the it's achievements was a lawsuit that resulted in the Supreme Court's landmark decision in Brown versus Board of Education, in 1954, which declared the segregation of public schools unconstitutional.

When a lawsuit is filed against an action of the government what freedom is exercised?

Freedom to assemble and petition

What slave filed lawsuit for his freedom?

Dred scott

Supreme court case that ruled slaves were not citizens and could not sue?

In 1857, the Dred Scott vs Sanford case came before the US Supreme Court. Part of the decision in that case was that Blacks were not citizens and therefore could not bring a lawsuit to any court.

Who is a man who filed a lawsuit for his freedom?

tom robensin? i think

What court cannot initiate an action without a lawsuit?

Supreme Court

Filed a lawsuit for his freedom during civil war?

dred Scott

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In June of 1961, the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of the New York Times and the Washington Post regarding the Nixon government's lawsuit against them. It was a six to three victory. Many hailed it as an affirmation of the First amendment and freedom of the press. Others saw it as a loss for the government's ability to keep secret government matters secret.

Why did it take so long to make a decision for Dred Scott's lawsuit?
