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The Chief Justice of the United States presides over a US Presidential impeachment trial; an "Impeachment Trial Committee" comprising Senators selected by the Presiding Officer of the Senate* is in charge of all other impeachment trials. This practice began in 1986 when the Senate amended its rules and procedures for impeachment trials.

* The Presiding Officer is not a fixed position. The Vice-President (currently Joe Biden), who also serves as President of the Senate, could be the Presiding Officer; or, in his (or her) absence, the President pro tempore (currently Daniel Inouye, D-HI) could preside; or, anyone the President of the Senate or President pro tempore designates -- even a Junior Senator -- could serve in that capacity.

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Q: Who would normally preside over an impeachment trial?
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That is correct. If the president were convicted in an impeachment trial, the Vice President would take the office of Presdident.

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During an impeachment, the House of Representatives debates the case for impeachment and if there is enough evidence, passes a Bill of Impeachment. After the president is impeached, then a trial will be held in the Congress. The House presents the evidence supporting impeachment, and the Senate acts as a jury. If the Senate convicts, then the President would be removed from office. Two presidents have been impeached; Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Neither were convicted by the Senate or removed from office.

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Yes. He could his keep his office, but a trial would interfere with his doing his duties. His legal team probably delay any trial for a long time. The only way a President can be removed from office is via the impeachment process specified in the Constitution.

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Outdoor weddings may only occur with the permission of the local bishop. If his permission has been granted, then any clergy who normally could preside over a wedding would be able to do so, including deacons.

How do you consider Clinton impeached when he was not removed from office?

Impeachment just means that the House of Representatives thought that Clinton had committed a crime, and that he should be put on trial. It's basically the same as an indictment. Once a president has been impeached by the House, the Senate holds a special court trial to try to convict the president of whatever crime he has been impeached for. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court acts as the judge in the trial. Clinton did indeed go through a trial but he was acquitted when the Senate failed to get enough votes to convict- it needs to be a two-thirds majority.

What is the order of succession when the president cannot fulfill his duties?

Impeachment, I would say.

What is the maximum penalty that may be given for impeachment?

The maximum sentence for a conviction arising out of impeachment is removal from office. The official would be separately charged in a standard court for any crimes committed while in office.

Can Stephen Harper be impeached?

The status of impeachment as a tool to hold Government accountable is uncertain.As Canada shares a constitutional framework with the pre-1867 United Kingdom, and since impeachment remained at that time an option for the United Kingdom House of Commons to pursue, it can be argued that the Canadian House of Commons continues to enjoy impeachment authority pursuant to s. 18 of the Constitution Act, 1867. However, the status and authority of the Senate to decide on that impeachment (as the House of Lords would do for the United Kingdom House of Commons) is unclear.Some scholars have argued that the power of impeachment is obsolete now that the Government is responsible to the House of Commons. It would be much easier for a prime minister to be removed through a defeat in the House of Commons and subsequent elections, than it would be to navigate the untested constitutional waters of impeachment.

What Chief Justice sat as Judge in Andrew Johnson's trial?

Chief Justice Salmon Chase presided over President Andrew Johnson's Senate trial, which lasted from March until mid-May 1868. The Senate voted three times on various articles of impeachment; each time, the count was 35-19, one vote short of conviction.Johnson was acquitted of all charges because seven Republican Senators who would have voted against him defied their party and voted against removing him from office, due to their belief that the trial was one-sided and unfair.

Where can one download a quickbooks trial?

The easiest thing to do would be to visit their website and see if a trial of quickbooks is available for that person who wants the trial and to also see if the quickbooks trial is a good idea for them or not.

What do you think would have happened if jury number 8 wasn't on the trial in 12 angry men?

if jury number 8 wasnt on trial than, the boy that is on trial would probley be killed right now