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There were many, each with a special sphere of interest. The principal one were:

Adonis, Anath, Asherah, Astarte, Baal; Kathirat, Kothar, Hasism, Melkart, Mot, Tanit, Yamm, Yarikh

The high god was Baal.

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Yes. They were a West Semitic people, closely related to the Canaanites, Hebrews, Aramaeans and Moabites. Researchers have learnt a lot about the Levantine peoples and their religious beliefs and say they were all polytheistic, although Judah eventually moved to monotheism around the time of the Babylonian Exile. Like all their close ethnic relatives, the coastal Phoenicians worshipped gods such as Baal and goddesses such as Astarte, although there were some differences from one group to the next.

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One for each aspect of life - and their own household gods.

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Yes, they were a pagan, idol-worshiping people.

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Q: Who were the Phoenician Gods?
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The Phoenician alphabet {on wikipedia}

Where did the Phoenician alphabet begin?

The Phoenician alphabet began in the Phoenician city-states located in Lebanon, about 1200 BCE.

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The Phoenician civilisation.

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The Phoenician people in the 9th Century BCE.

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The Latin adjective for Phoenician is "Poenicus."