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i dont know dont ask me dog

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Q: Who were close to William McKinleys?
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What was William McKinleys hometown?

Canton Ohio

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When was William McKinleys birthday?

January 29 1843

What is the president William McKinleys nickname?

wobbly willie

What was William mckinleys party?

his party was alot alot alot alot

Who was William McKinleys running mate for president?

He was running against Democratic candidate William Jennings Bryan

First inaugural ceremony recorded by a motion picture camera?

William mckinleys

What was William McKinleys favorite color?

William McKinley's favorite color was blue.

Who was William McKinleys wife?

Ida Saxton (June 8, 1847- May 26, 1907) was William MicKinley's wife's name. They were married on January 25, 1871 at the First Presbyterian Church in Canton, Ohio.

What was William McKinleys's children's names?

William McKinley did have two children. He had a girl named Katherine and a girl named Ida. Ida died shortly after she was born in 1873 and his older daughter Katherine died in 1875 when she was just 4 years old.

When was William Brooks Close born?

William Brooks Close was born in 1853.