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President Andrew Johnson was not impeached by another President. He was impeached by the House of Representatives, whose job it is to draw up charges, then tried by the Senate. The Senate acquitted Johnson by one vote on May 16, 1868.

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Salmon P. Chase was the Chief Justice who presided over President Andrew Johnson's Senate impeachment trial.

Supreme Court in 1868

Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase

Justice Samuel Nelson

Justice Robert Cooper Grier

Justice Nathan Clifford

Justice Noah Haynes Swayne

Justice Samuel Freeman Miller

Justice David Davis

Justice Stephen Johnson Field

Justice William Strong

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On February 24, 1868, the House Judiciary Committee, lead by Thaddeus Stevens (PA), presented a resolution to the House of Representatives calling for the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson. They voted 126-47 (17 absent) in favor of impeachment.

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The House of Representatives impeached President Andrew Johnson in February 1868; he was acquitted at his Senate trial in May 1868.

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No, someone with a name sounding closer to him was.Andrew Johnson, as Vice President of the United States, succeeded Abraham Lincoln when Lincoln was assassinated in 1865. President Johnson was impeached by the US House of Representative in 1868 but the resolution failed in the Senate by one vote. Still, President Andrew Johnson, a tailor by profession, became the first US President to be impeached.

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Two presidents were impeached: Andrew Johnson and William Clinton (Bill Clinton).