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Both Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached by the US House of Representatives, but acquitted (found not guilty of the charges) at trial in the Senate. Both were impeached, but neither was removed.

President Nixon was on the verge of being impeached, but chose to resign rather than face charges.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Two US Presidents have been impeached, but neitherwas removed from office.

Both Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached by the US House of Representatives, but acquitted (found not guilty of the charges) at trial in the Senate.

President Nixon was on the verge of being impeached, but chose to resign rather than face charges.

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14y ago

Both Presidents Andrew Johnson (1868) and Bill Clinton (1998) were impeached by the House of Representatives, but acquitted by the Senate. Andrew Johnson avoided removal by a single vote.

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13y ago

Andrew Johnson was the first US president to be impeached. He was not convicted.

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11y ago

Andrew Johnson, the seventeenth chief executive officer, was the first US President to be impeached. The only other US President to be impeached was William J. Clinton.

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Andrew Johnson in 1868.

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President Johnson

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Andrew Johnson

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Q: Who was the only US President to be impeached but not removed from office?
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What is only penalty that can be imposed on someone who is impeached?

They will be removed from office

Who was the only president to be impeached fully?

Only two Presidents have been impeached in US history, but both were acquitted at their Senate trials, so there has never been a "fully impeached" President, assuming you mean one who was removed from office. Andrew Johnson was impeached in 1868 for violation of the Tenure of Office Act; Bill Clinton was impeached in 1998 for obstruction of justice.

How many us . presidents have been removed from office after having been impeached?

No Us President has been removed from office via the impeachment process. There have been two presidents who have been impeached. In 1868, Andrew Johnson was impeached by the House for violating certain statutes related to government processes; in 1998, Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice. However, neither of these presidents was convicted by the Senate, so neither of them was removed from office.

How many presidents have removed from office by being found guilty after the impeachment process?

No US president was ever removed from office through impeachment. Two president, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton was impeached and tried by the Senate , but were not convicted and so stayed in office. Richard Nixon resigned under the threat of impeachment, ut was never impeached.

Who was the only governor impeached and removed from office in Illinois?

Rod Blagojevich

What was the outcome of the impeachment efforts?

If a president is impeached, which only the House can do, he must face a trial by the senate. If they convict him of the charges brought forth in the impeachment by a 2/3 vote, he is removed from office. If not, he stays on the job as president.

Who was the only president that went though the impeachment process?

Quoted from Marcia1061 from the same question previously asked on WikiAnswers: "Only two Presidents have been impeached in US history, but both were acquitted at their Senate trials, so there has never been a "fully impeached" President, assuming you mean one who was removed from office. Andrew Johnson was impeached in 1868 for violation of the Tenure of Office Act; Bill Clinton was impeached in 1998 for obstruction of justice."

Would Abraham Lincoln have been impeached if he was not assassinated?

Abraham Lincoln should have been impeached. The arguments for the impeachment could be: Overstepping executive powers, overpassing the USC Amendments and Laws, and his blockade of southern ports because a blockade is only allowed when a war is declared and Lincoln said it was not a war but a rebellion.

Which president was not impeached?

Only two of 43 president were impeached: Andrew Johnson and William Jefferson Clinton. Richard Nixon resigned while impeachment charges were being prepared against him. In both cases the sitting president was impeached but in neither case did the Senate choose to convict so although both were impeached, neither was removed from office.

Who was the first president of the US impeached?

Andrew Johnson the second and only other one was Bill Clinton However, neither Johnson nor Clinton was actually removed from office, as the Senate failed to confirm the House's ruling.

How many presidents have been impeach?

Andrew Johnson was impeached in 1868 for violating the Tenure of Office Act. Bill Clinton was impeached in 1998 for perjury and obstruction of justice. Note that Impeachment does not mean removal from office, it means that he is being investigated on suspicion of wrongdoing that may result in him being removed from office. In both of the above cases the President remained in office. Richard Nixon was not impeached, he resigned before the impeachment proceedings being considered agaisnt him could begin.

Was president Harrison empeached?

No, president William Henry Harrison was not impeached. He died in office of pneumonia on his 32nd day in office.