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Your mom was the first if you dont believe me adk her

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The last Democrat to win two terms as President and win the popular vote at least once was Barack Obama. He won the popular vote in both the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections.

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Q: Who was the last Democrat to win two terms as President and win the popular vote at least once?
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Who was the 1st democratic president to be elected to 2 consecutive terms after Andrew Jackson?

Woodrow Wilson was the first Democrat to be elected President for two consecutive terms after Andrew Jackson. In between the two, Democrat Grover Cleveland was President twice, but he was not elected to two consecutive terms.

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No- party affiliation has nothing to do with term limits. A president can not exceed the two-term limit by changing parties.

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A Democrat became president after Jimmy Carter when Bill Clinton won the presidential election in 1992. Thus, it took eight years for a Democrat to win the presidency again.

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While Bill Clinton was US President, the US Vice President was Tennessee Democrat Al Gore (Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.).

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The president who came before Barack Obama was George W. Bush. President Bush was from the Republican Party, and he served two terms in office before Mr. Obama, a Democrat, was elected president in 2008.

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President Harry Truman was a Democrat. He was President Franklin D. Roosevelt's vice president when Roosevelt died in 1945. Truman won his election bid to become the 33rd US president and served from 1945 to 1953.

Was Rossevelt a Republican?

No he was democrat he served 4 terms

What US president has won the popular vote but did not become president of the USA?

John Quincy Adams lost the popular vote to Andrew Jackson in 1824 Ruterford B Hayes lost the popular vote to Samuel Tilden in 1876 Grover Cleveland lost the popular vote to Benjamin Harrison in 1888, which interupted his terms as presidency giving Cleveland the distinction of being the ony president to serve non-consecutive terms George W. Bush lost the popular vote to Al Gore Jr in 2000

How many can the presidents have terms for?

A President can serve no more than two terms. In the event of someone becoming President during a term (if the President dies, is impeached and removed, etc.), that counts as one of the two terms if the new President serves at least two years. This means the absolute longest amount of time anyone could serve as President is nine years, 364 days.

Only president to be elected twice without 50 percent of the popular vote?

George W. Bush was the only president elected to two terms with less than 50 percent of the popular vote.

Is this True or false Dwilight D Eisenhower was such a popular President that he was elected to three terms?

False - a Constitutional Amendment before his election prohibits more than two terms