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Hans Guido Mutke, in 1944. He did signifigant damage as the aircraft approached 1,200 miles per hour. He is considered to be the first person to fly faster than the speed of sound, even though eyewitnesses state that he never broke the sound barrier.

The ME 262 was the world's first jet aircraft, created by Nazi Germany. It saw brief service in WWII intercepting bombers.

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The first test pilot for the ME 262 aircraft was Fritz Wendel. He flew the prototype versions of the ME 262 during its development and testing phase in the 1940s.

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Who was the first person to fly a fighter jet?

I believe that would be Messerschmitt test pilot Fritz Wendel when he flew the third prototype of Me 262 on 18 July 1942.

Who invented the Messerschmitt ME 262?

Hans-Joachim Pabst von Ohain designed Messerschmitt ME. 262 in April 1939. Its first test flight was in March 1943 by Fritz Wendel. Its first successful mission was flown by Adolf Galland.

Who made the Messerschmitt?

Messerchmitt AG made many different aircraft, 2 of their most famous were the Me and Bf 109's and the first effective Luftwaffe jet, the Me 262.

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The first vehicle to break the sound barrier was the Bell X-1 experimental rocket plane, piloted by Chuck Yeager on October 14, 1947. The aircraft was designed and built by the Bell Aircraft Company.

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ME-262 jet fighter, but it was introduced too late to effect the war.

Why was the ME 262 invented?

The Me.262 was invented by the Germans in World War 2. It was a jet-powered aircraft that could fly faster than Allied fighters and effectively attack US and British bombers.

Who built the me262 fighter plane?

The Messerschmitt Aircraft Company built the ME 262 during WW2. At that time all German aircraft companies had initials prefacing the names of their aircraft. -So Messerschmitt was ME, Heinkel was HE, Focke Wulf was FW and so on.

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The Third Reich left behind many technological advances that we still utilize today. For example: -Volkswagen, the car company, was commissioned by Hitler. -Military rocket technology was developed during this period. V1 Rockets were sent all the way from Germany to England's coastline. -Jet technology was developed during this period. The Nazis created the first jet aircraft in history - the Messerschmitt 262 (Me-262). -Rocket powered aircraft were also developed during this period. The Nazis created the first rocket-powered aircraft, the Messerschmitt 163 (Me-163, commonly known as the 'Komet').

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I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but Japan was the first Asian nation to develop and use a jet aircraft. It was called the Kikka. It was very similar (almost an exact duplicate) of the German Me-262.

The first operational jet fighter was the?

Messerschmitt 262

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I think Goster Aircraft produced a Jet aircraft before the end of WW2. The first in production was the Messerschmitt ME 262. The ME 163 was rocket powered. i am a different writer and the jet engine was invented in 1930 whereas his invention actually flew in 1941

What was the First fighter jet used in combat?

Messerschmitt Me 262