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Thomas Jefferson...He founded the Democratic Party in 1792

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Thomas Jefferson was the inspirational leader. I do not think there was any formal national organization nor any officers for it.

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Q: Who was the first democratic president to win reelection since FDR?
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Was Bill Clinton the first US democratic president to win reelection since whom?

Franklin Roosevelt

Who is the president that was the first Democratic president since Franklin D. Roosevelt?

Harry S. Truman

First democratic president since the civil war and defender of laissez-faire economics and low tariffs?

Grover Cleveland

Was Bill Clinton the last Democratic president?

No, Barack Obama has since been president.

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It was the first election of a U.S. President whose ancestry is half European/ half African. It was the first time that a Democratic presidential candidate received more than 50% of the nationwide popular votes since Jimmy Carter did in 1976, and it was the first time that a Democratic presidential candidate both received more than 50% of the nationwide popular votes and carried more than 50% of the states since Lyndon Johnson did in 1964. It was also the first U.S. presidential election since 1952 in which neither the incumbent President nor the incumbent Vice President was a candidate.

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Mohamed Abdelaziz is the President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic since 1976 to present.

Who was the Democrat president after civil war?

After President Lincoln's assassination, it was along time before a Democrat became a US President. Grover Cleveland was the first Democrat since US President James Buchanan was President. Grover Cleveland won the election of 1884. Cleveland served as 22nd & later the 24th US President. He lost his bid for reelection in 1888. Cleveland ran again in 1892 and was elected US President again.

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A Democrat could run for the Democratic nomination against an incumbent Democratic President. This happened in 1980 , for example, when Ted Kennedy ran against President Carter. A democrat would not run on the same party lines as another Democrat since the Democratic party can only nominate one candidate themselves. So a third party could nominate a Democrat to run for president if that Democrat lost the Democratic nomination to someone else.

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President Obama is happily married to his wife Michelle and has two children. Thus, there is no need for him to "come out," since by all accounts, he is heterosexual.

Does Uruguay have a leadership?

Yes, a democratic president called Dr. Tabaré Vázquez (since 2015) and for the next 5 years.

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How long has the president of Brazil been in office?

He or she serves in office for a second four-year term without the possibility of reelection for another term sequentially. The reelection for executive posts has existed since 1997, when Constititutional Amendment nº 16 was passed.