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Woodrow Wilson had that distinction. The last two of the 48 states, New Mexico and Arizona, were admitted in 1912 before the election, so the 1912 election was the first in which 48 states voted.

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Q: Who was the first President of the US to be elected by 48 states?
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Why were only 48 states involved in the 1932 presidential election?

Because there were only 48 states back then. Alaska and Hawaii would join the Union both in 1959. These states participated in elections for the first time in 1960, when John F. Kennedy was elected president.

Who was the first US president of 48 states?

William Howard Taft

How old was the 30th president when he was elected?

Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President, was 48 when he was elected vice-president. He was 51 when he became President due to Harding's death. He was 52 when he was elected President in 1924.

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How old was Franklin Pierce when he was elected for president?

Franklin Pierce was 48 years old when he was inaugurated.

Who was the first president of the 48 contiguous states?

William Howard Taft who was the 27th president (1909-19130

When was Franklin Pierce elected as president?

He was elected on November 2, 1852.He served as President from March 4,1853-March 3,18571852

Was Barack Obama the first president to be born outside the 48 continental states?

Yes, Mr. Obama is also the only president to have been born in Hawaii.

Who was the first president not to be born in what is now the continental US?

The current President Obama was born in Hawaii. All of the previous presidents were born in one of the 48 continental states.

When Truman was president how many states were there?

48... There weren't 50 states until Eiesenhower.

How old was Grover Cleveland when he became president?

first term he was 47 second term he was 55