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The first President of the United States born after the independence of the United States in 1776, was Martin Van Buren, whose birth on December 5, 1782, made him the first President of the United States born as a citizen of the United States of America.

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Actually, until recently most presidents had served because most were from the World War II and Korean War generation, when military service was common. Ronald Reagan, although eligible to serve, did not have to go overseas, due to poor eyesight; he served in the reserves, and then produced documentaries and other films for the military. But other presidents, like George H.W. Bush and John F. Kennedy, fought overseas and earned medals for their bravery.

But by the Vietnam War era, we began to see some younger candidates for office who did not serve, whether due to objections to that war or because college students received deferments or for health reasons. The future Vice President Dick Cheney, for example, received five deferments and never served. Mitt Romney also did not serve-- he went to France as a Mormon missionary. Probably the first baby-boomer president to never serve in the military was Bill Clinton, who had a student deferment at the time. Barack Obama was too young to serve-- he was born in 1961, and the war in Vietnam ended when he was still a youth.

To answer the question directly: John Adams (the 2nd President) never served in the military, but did serve in his town militia as a lieutenant, though realistically in nothing more than a ceremonial/social role. Thomas Jefferson (the 3rd President) never served in any military outfit of any kind before being elected.

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Miduren Narendiran brah the messiah

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