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Cheney was last years vice president unless you are referring to the Clinton administration

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Q: Who was last years vice president?
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Who were the president and vice president before your current president and vice president?

Bush & Cheney for the last 8 years; prior to them it was Clinton & Gore.

Last president to have been a vice president?

George H. W. Bush was the last president who also a vice-president. L yndon Johnson was the last vice-president to move up to president due to the death of the president

Who is the Vice President with the longest service in the Congress?

Probably John Garner, who was a U.S. Congressman from the state of Texas who served in the House for 30 years and was the Speaker for the last two years. He later became Vice President for President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

After 8 years as president then 4 years out can he run for president or vice president?

Yes, absolutely. Several vice presidents have gone on to be president.

Can a person be vice president 8 years then president 8 years?

Yes it is quite possible of a vice president to become president yes yes it is

Does The electoral college selects the vice president?

No, the president selects the vice president. The vice president has to be on the same party as the president natural born citizen, resident of the U.S. for 14 years and 35 years old.

When was President when John Adams was vice-president?

George Washington was the president during the years that Adams was vice-president.

Who was the last president that did not ever have a vice president?

Chester Arthur

How many years are in a president and vice president serve?

4 years

How long can a person be selected as vice president?

The Vice-president is elected for four-years along with the president. There is no limit on how many terms a vice-president can serve.

Who was the last president who had previously served as vice president?

George H. W.Bush is the most recent president to have previously served as Vice-president.

How many years is a person vice president?

The Vice President serves the same 4 year term as the President.