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Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was elected to office four terms in 1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944.

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10mo ago

Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected four times as the President of the United States. He served from 1933 until his death in 1945, making him the only president to have served more than two terms and the longest-serving president in U.S. history.

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Q: Who was elected four terms to president of the US?
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How long is the president of the us elected for?

They are elected for four years at a time and can serve for at most two four-year terms.

How long are the president's and vice-president's terms?

The president and the vice president of the US are elected for four year terms. Elections are held every four years.

Which US president went for four terms?

Franklin Roosevelt was elected to four terms. He died early in his fourth term.

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US Presidents have always been elected for a four year period

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The president can be elected twice in terms of four years. A maximum of eight years- two terms

Number of terms a President may be elected?

A president can be elected for two terms of four years. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was president of the United States for twelve years, because the country didn't want to elect a new president during the war and the Great Depression of 1929.

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The 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution, created after Franklin Roosevelt's historic 4 elected terms, limits the US President to two four-year terms as President.

What is the office of the presidency?

The US president's term lasts four years . He can be elected to at most two terms.

Who served 4 terms as president of the US?

No one. Franklin Roosevelt served three full terms and was elected to a fourth, but then died three months into that term.

What US president was elected more than 3 times?

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the only President to be elected more than two times. He was elected to four terms, in 1932,1936,1940 and 1944. His record will never be equaled because since then an amendment has been ratified that limits the president to being elected no more than twice.

Can a US president be elected as President after serving two terms as President?

No, the term limit for a president is two terms.

Can a president serve 4 terms if not how did Franklin D. Roosevelt get elected to 4 terms?

Currently, presidents of the US are limited to two elected terms by the 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution. FDR was elected to four terms because the 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution wasn't proposed until after FDR died during his fourth term.