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Q: Who was elected as the 31st president of US?
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Was Herbert Hoover elected as the 31st president of the US?

Yes, Hoover was elected to the office of President in the 1928 election, and served as the nation's 31st president from 1929-1933.

Was Herbert Hoover was elected as the 31st President of the US?

Yes, Hoover was elected to the office of President in the 1928 election, and served as the nation's 31st president from 1929-1933.

Who was the Republican elected president in 1928?

The 31st President of the United States was Herbert Hoover March 4, 1929 March 4, 1933. The Republican was elected in 1928.

Who was elected us president in 1992?

Bill Clinton was elected US President in 1992. He was re-elected in 1996.

How s the president elected in the us?

search how is the president elected you forgot the i in is

How the president and the congress of the US elected?

THE president is elected by the electrol college. Congress is elected by the people

How do people get elected president us?

The President and the VP are elected by the Electoral College.

What president wasn't elected?

Gerald Ford is the US President elected neither to the office of President or Vice-President.

Who was the president of the US elected in 1968?

Richard M. Nixon was elected US President in 1968.

What number US President was Herbert Clark Hoover?


How is president is elected if he?

The US president is elected if they win the vote of the Electoral College.

Who was elected president of the US in 1904?

Theodore Roosevelt was elected president in 1904.