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The president has the power to veto bills.

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8y ago
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Meri Babayan

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2y ago
The answer is The power of the President to refuse to approve a bill or joint resolution and thus prevent its enactment into law is the veto. The president has ten days (excluding Sundays) to sign a bill passed by Congress.
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15y ago

in the federal government, the presdent has the power to veto a bill after it has passed through congress. however, the veto can be overridden by a 2/3 vote in the Senate and the House.

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13y ago

The president.

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Does Congress make the laws of the United States?

They pass the bills to be sent to the president who either signs them and then they become a law or vetos them

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Legislative branch

How do you say vetoes in Spanish?

It is the same word in Spanish "veto" and "vetos".

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by vetoing the rights but congress overrode the vetos

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yes veto's are very common if the president doesn't see them fit to be laws

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A legislative leader proposes legislation, prepares a federal budget, and approves or vetos legislation.

Why was the powers to vetos laws significant?

It gave elected officials the power to reject laws made by the senate

Is a case of the executive branch imposing a check on the legislature's power to make laws?

President vetos the bill

What happens after a bill is passed in congress?

They ask the president to sign it and if he dissagrees(or vetos it), they have to get a ceirtian precentage to have it passed. After they get the president to sign itso it can be passed, but if he vetos it than the congrass votes on if the bill should be passed or not. i think they have to get 3/4(voting twards the vote) to pass it.

Who was the best president as chief legislator?

President Reagan was, when he was in office for two terms he vetoed 78 bills, and 8 were overturned. These vetos and overturns later helped out our economy in a great way.