Clifton Webb starred in the 1950 version.
That movie is called The Covenant. It starred Steven_StraitStrait as the male lead and Laura%20RamseyRamsey as the female lead.
The male dancer who starred in the Australian Movie Strictly Ballroom was Paul Mercurio.
The other male lead role was Don Johnson. Rene Russo was his love interest in the movie.
Chevy Chase was the male lead in the film Funny Farm. Madolyn Smith Osborn was the female lead. Kevin O'Morrison was a supporting actor. There is a long list of extras for this film.
Junior, which starred Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Clive Owen and Hugh Grant
"Julia Roberts costarred with Richard Gere as her leading man in Pretty Woman. They also starred together in the movie Run Away Bride. In Pretty Woman, Roberts also starred with Laura SanGiacomo."
the male power in society lead sexual abuse is male dominant.
Yul Brynner (a Russian, born Yuliy Borisovich) Brynner starred in The King and I. the film co-starred Deborah Kerr in the part of Anna. The musical was an adaptation of the play "Anna and the King of Siam."
"Saved By The Bell" star Mark-Paul Gosselaar starred in the movie "Dying to Belong" with actress Hilary Swank. The movie came out in 1997.
Depends whether you mean the lead male or female. Lead Male is Tony Lead Female is Maria