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Q: Who served as Commander in chief of America's Continental Army before becoming President of the US?
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Who was the only president to serve as commander in chief after completing his term as president?

There is no such person. The President is the Commander in Chief. George Washington served as the Commander in Chief of the Continental army before becoming President of the United States. All other Presidents, including Washington, served as Commander in Chief while in office.

What role did George Washington play in the Continental Congress and how did that lead to him becoming commander of the Continental Army?

he led the army and other things.

Requirements for becoming commander in chief?

The requirements for becoming US President (Commander-In-Chief) are that you must be at least 35 years of age, and be a natural born citizen.

How many years did George Washington serve in office?

George Washington was the President of the United States for two 4-year terms, for a total of 8 years. Before becoming President, Washington was the General and Commander-in Chief of the Continental Army.

How did George Washington helped mold a new nation?

He helped mold a nation by serving his country, becoming commander of the continental army and by becoming the first presidant of the United States

How did George Washington become well known before becoming president?

He was the commanding general of the Continental Army during the American Revolution.

Which president took the oath of office and never lived in the White House?

George Washington is the only president never to have lived in the White House. He conducted his presidency from the President's House in Philadelphia, which was the capital of the United States during Washington's presidency. Washington oversaw the construction of the White House, but John Adams was the first president to live in it.

George Washingtons most important accomplishment?

1. Commander of the continental army 2. President for the constitutional convention 3. First president 4. Master mason and Grand Master of VA 5. Planter 6. Developed new crops 7. Brewer and distiller

What was barack's current profession?

President Obama's current profession is president of the United States. This means he is our chief executive, the leader of our government, as well as the commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces. Before becoming president, he had been a U.S. Senator from the state of Illinois.

What are McCain's-interests?

His intrest is becoming president His intrest is becoming president

Was Abraham Lincoln a soldier or a lawyer?

Before becoming President of the United States, and therefore the Commander in Chief of all the US armed forces, Abraham Lincoln was employed as a lawyer.

What was James Monroe's occupation?

Before becoming president, James Monroe had various occupations. He was of the planter class, but later served with the Continental Congress as a delegate. He was later elected into the senate where he would serve under the first Congress in the United States.