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The man who FIRST removed the gun from Sirhan's hand in Ambassador Hotel Pantry after Sen. Robert F. Kennedy was shot was in fact former FBI agent Bill Barry (see Barry's interview /statement in SUS files @ California State Archives, Sacramento, Ca.) Barry was currently employed by RFK in the capacity of his security adviser.

Here is what happened: Barry was the first person to remove the gun from Sirhan's hand, and having taken possession of the gun, Barry then placed the gun on the steam table where he left it, then turned away to go to the fallen Senator Kennedy's side. I should also add that that steam table was where Sirhan was being subdued , punched, choked and beaten. Was it possible for Sirhan to regain possession of the gun in all of that chaos ? Possible, but questionable at best due to the fighting and shoving that was taking place on that small steam table .

What happened next is that Rosey Greir also wrested a gun from Sirhan's hand and then gave the gun to Rafer Johnson whereupon Rafer put the gun in his jacket pocket. Rafer then took the gun to his home (he lived but a short distance from Ambassador Hotel). I later met with Rafer to ask him what did he do with the gun which he had possession of for almost two hours and did he write the gun's serial number down? This is what Rafer told me: He went to his home where he removed the gun from his pocket and examined it and wrote the gun's serial number down in his diary. He then went to Central Receiving Hosp. where he was met by LAPD Intelligence Ofc. Jean Scherrer, whereupon they went to Good Samaritan Hosp. (to check on RFK condition) and from Good Samaritan Hosp. Scherrer took Rafer to Ramparts Headquarters where Rafer turned the gun over to Sgt. McGann and Sgt Calkins. When I examined the transcript of Rafer's interview I found the McGann/Calkins description of gun model was incorrect.

Additionally, photographer Boris Yaro also momentarily held the Sirhan gun in his hand during that hectic struggle in the pantry.

There is so much more to the Sirhan gun story. (also see , Part Five , page 20 for Bill Barry's interview/statement re his putting Sirhan gun on "counter" - actually the steam table - in the pantry after he removed it from Sirhan's hand) Additionally, SUS records contain statements from pantry scene witnesses who saw " a gun lying on the ( steam) table".

Rose Lynn Mangan

Rose Lynn Mangan

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