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The idea that the House of Representatives is based on population is attributed to James Madison. He argued for a proportional representation system, where the number of seats in the House would be determined by a state's population, during the Constitutional Convention. This is reflected in the "Three-Fifths Compromise" and the apportionment of seats based on the Census every ten years.

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Q: Who said that the house of representatives is based on population?
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Is the House of Representatives based on population?

The house of representatives ~ APEX

Who would have been happier with their representations in the house small or large states?

In the House of Representatives, the number of delegates a state has is based on its population. The states with larger populations would, therefore, have greater representation and could be said to be happier with the system than states with smaller populations.

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This questions refers to United States Congressional Districting. Membership in the House of Representatives is based on population. Population is determined by the Census. Through the Census numbers districts are drawn. That being said districting can be very political through the use of gerrymandering.

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Unlike the Senate where every state receives two representatives, House representation is based on state population. So, more populated states would receive more representatives than less populated states.

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senate because there are 100 senates with 50 states and 2 senates for each state so with that begin said it's the senate and the second on is house of representatives because if you look up the legislative branch in Google it says the 2 main parts of the legislative government is the house of Representative and the senate.

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How did the delegates in the Constitutional Convention settle their differences?

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In clarification of the question, it appears to ask what is the term of a member of the US House of Representatives. With that said, Representatives serve two year terms. There is no limit to how many times they can be reelected to the House of Representatives.

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The Connecticut Compromise created the United States Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate will have equal representation of the people of each state, while the House of Representatives will be elected in proportion to population.

What were the agreements made in the Great Compromise?

The agreement made in the Great Compromise was that the American government would agree to have two houses of Congress. These houses were the Senate of each state and the House of Representatives.