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Where are you going on leave from? If you're taking your block leave from a non-combat zone, you pay your own transportation costs. If you're taking leave from a combat zone, the military will get you stateside, although you may have to pay your own costs from your port of entry to your final destination.

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Q: Who pays transportation costs for a US Army soldier to go on leave?
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What is Army policy on taking leave during the week?

A soldier is authorized to take leave at any time, as long as the soldier has the leave days and is currently not restricted from leaving the installation the soldier can request leave.

When can a soldier leave the Army?

When his enlistment term is up, or when he is discharged.

Who pays transportation costs for a US Army soldier on emergency leave?

If they're deployed, then they can catch a military or contracted transport back to the CONUS, but they'll have to provide for their costs from that point on. If they're not in a forward deployed area, they're entirely on their own to pay transport costs, although there are a number of credit institutions out there who specialise in providing emergency loans to military personnel under fair conditions, rather than exploitative ones.

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No, the army pays for the soldier...

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Is there a transit fee billed for an Army soldier wishing to take a leave?

No, there is no transit fee billed specifically for an Army soldier wishing to take a leave. However, soldiers are responsible for their travel expenses when taking a leave, including transportation costs to their desired destination and back. These expenses are typically not covered by the military.

What does an American soldier call holiday from the army?

In the Army or Air Force it's called Leave In the Navy and Marine Corps it's called Liberty.

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Who was the last American soldier to leave Vietnam when the war ended?

Max Beilke, Master Sergeant, United States Army

If army is to soldier as navy is to what?

A Soldier is a member of the Army A Sailor is a member of the Navy

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Soldier hired by the army of another country or by a private army, or a Soldier that will fight for you for pay enough.

Would it be better to join the green berets as an army soldier or as a civilian?

Army Soldier more experience.