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Whether it was President Bush or President Obama, all presidents must be protected, and all presidents need to campaign sometimes. So, the taxpayers do pay for Air Force One, no matter who the president is, and no matter what he is doing. It should also be noted that most of the time, even when a president is campaigning, he may also combine it with official business. Since the president is the leader of our country, his safety is essential, which is why Air Force One is available to him.

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Q: Who pays for Air Force One when Barack Obama is campaigning?
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Who pays for air force one when the president is campaigning?

Almost all expenses for campaigns come from the DNC or RNC. Depending on who is in office. Most Presidents do something called "Piggy Backing" The will add a campaign trip into an official trip. That way the campaign pays less. For instance. President flies to Seattle to do an official trip like a town hall, then flies to California for a fundraiser. The DNC will pay for the fuel, and cost of the Airforce One staff for the shorter distance. The only thing that is covered with tax payer money is the protection from the Secret Service. They are salaried, he is always the President and its their job to protect him. Campaigning or not. So no. your tax money does not pay for campaigning.

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This is paid from private (not public) funds.

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If you are referring to the internet rumor that the president will pay your bills for one month, this is not true. If you are referring to whether the president pays his own bills, all presidents have an official accounting staff, and these staff members handle all financial matters.

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Mr. Obama is still the president: he was re-elected in November 2012, but he is still completing his first term, so he continues to be paid by the U.S. taxpayers. If you are asking who paid him before he became president, he was most recently a U.S. Senator from Illinois, and he also received money in royalties from the two best-selling books he wrote.

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Depending on who you talk to about this you are going to get different answers. Here's the complete very educated truth. Barack Obama wants to increase taxes on the upper middle class and upper class of the US so that he can "spread the wealth around" to the lower classes. This is done by leaders to equalize society at (or near) a constant income. The first world leader to come up with this idea was Marx of Russia. Marxism (as it is called) is a form of socialism that lead to communism in russia. Simply put Barack Obama is a Marxist. He also wants to "give college students money in exchange for community service" which is very similar to communism where everyone works for the government and the government pays them all equally. Is Obama a communist? Maybe... I can't read his mind, I would say probably not but just the fact that I have to raise the question is enough for me to not vote for him.

Who are the celebrity guests on pretty pet salon?

Obama who pays $6000 and a chick that pays $1100 or so. Apple is getting ready to release an update with a 3rd celebrity guest.