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Drea de Matteo from the Soprano's. I think.

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Q: Who is the younger woman in the new AFLAC whodunit commercial?
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I haven't seen it yet but if it's one where the woman is on the computer in an outdoor cafe of sorts, then it's Amy Stiller, his daughter. There are actually two women in that commercial. One is, indeed, sitting at an outdoor cafe type table at a notebook computer; and I have heard/read that that woman could be (likely is) Amy Stiller... ...especially considering that Jerry Stiller refers to her using the endearment "Boobie" when he speaks directly to her in the commercial. There is, however, another woman in the commercial... younger, prettier, a brunette with freckles, wearing a blue print top. There's a quick flash of her near the very beginning of the commercial looking up from a smartphone in her hand; and then there's another shot of her from the side, standing at the hot dog cart, being handed a pretzel or something by Stiller. Several people, lately, are asking in different places on the Internet who is this younger woman with Stiller in the Capital One commercial... but as others try to answer and the asker provides more information, it turns out that it's this younger woman that most people are asking about. I have seen the actress playing various character roles in mostly made-for-TV movies, and in other commercials. But I don't know who she is.

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