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Baron von Steuben

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Q: Who is the organizational genius who turned raw colonial recruits into tough professional soldiers?
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Professional soldiers hired to fight for a foreign country are called?


How might drill help turn recruits into soldiers?

Drill can help turn recruits into soldiers by training them and testing them from being a soldier and by observing them what they can do

Who recruits child soldiers?

Hitler used children in WWII

How did the colonial militia differ from the modern us Army?

Colonail milita trained for moth; modern slodiers are hardly trained at all

Which country recruits young boys as soldiers?

See the Wikipedia article linked to below.

What was the nickname for colonial soldiers?


What are mercenary soldiers?

Professional soldiers for hire.

Countries that fought for Britain?

there were German mercenaries that fought for Britain in the American revolutionary war called hessians, Australia and Canada helped fight WWI and WWII for Britain, Britain also recruits nepalese soldiers which are called gurkhas and are still part of the britsih army, India in colonial times were occupation soldiers in Asia for Britain too.

Were colonial soldiers known as mintuteman?


What act required colonial assemblies to house and pay British soldiers?

The quartering Act required colonial assemblies to house and pay British soldiers.

What were colonial drums used for?

pumping up the soldiers

What did the colonial men do for their job?

farming, being soldiers.