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There are multiple Jewish Congressmen currently in Congress.

Henry Arnold Waxman D-CA 1975- Eliot Lance Engel D-NY 1989- Nita Melnikoff Lowey D-NY 1989- Jerrold Lewis Nadler D-NY 1992- Brad Sherman D-CA 1997- Jan Schakowsky D-IL 1999- Eric Cantor R-VA 2001- Susan Davis D-CA 2001- Steve Israel D-NY 2001- Adam Schiff D-CA 2001- Allyson Schwartz D-PA 2004- Debbie Wasserman Schultz D-FL 2005- John Yarmuth D-KY 2007- Stephen Cohen D-TN 2007- Alan Grayson D-FL 2009-2011, 2013- Jared Polis D-CO 2009- Ted Deutch D-FL 2010- David Cicilline D-RI 2011- Lois Frankel D-FL 2013- Alan Lowenthal D-CA 2013- Brad Schneider D-IL 2013-

See the Related Link for names of all Jewish Congressmen in US History.

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11mo ago

As of November 2021, the only Jewish member of the US House of Representatives is David Kustoff, a Republican from Tennessee's 8th congressional district.

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