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I personally see Gary Johnson as a good leader, but Libertarianism works therefore every libertarian leader is a good one.

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Q: Who is the best Libertarian leader after Ron Paul?
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Who are the current libertarian leaders?

There have been several leaders of the Libertarian party over the years. A couple of the leaders have been Ron Paul and David Nolan.

Is Ron Paul a liberal candidate?

Hell no, Ron Paul is a LIBERTARIAN which is a far cry from a liberal he is a strict "Constitutionalists"in favor of small government, sound fiscal policy, and non intervention unless in immanent danger.

Who will be the 2008 Libertarian nominee for VP?

Michael Badnarik or Ron Paul (not necessarily a nominee but someone likely for Libertarians to vote for)

Was anyone in the libertarian party ever become the president?

Not yet. Ron Paul (ran for President with the Libertarian Party 1988) has a chance to win the Republican nomination in the 2012 election cycle.

Is Ron Paul a Democrat?

No, he is a libertarian leaning Republican. His views include limited government and a free market system, which are pure Republican views.

What libertarian was a 2016 Republican presidential candidate?

Rand Paul, son of libertarian Conservative Ron Paul, who more or less came in second in the Republican nomination race in 2012. Unlike his father, though, Rand tried to be "moderate", when libertarianism is what's really popular, so he didn't do nearly as well as his dad.

Who is Republican candidate Ron Pahl?

I think you mean Ron Paul. There apparently is a Ron Pahl, he's a professor and author, but not a political candidate. Ron Paul is a Republican congressman from Texas who campaigned to be the Republican nominee for the 2008 presidential election, losing to John McCain. He still has a fervent fanbase, and is notable for his libertarian policies which were at odds with most of the other candidates. More info here:

What is Ron Paul's religion?

Ron Paul is a devout Christian.

Will Ron Paul be the 45th president?

Ron Paul will never be president.

When was Ron Paul born?

Ron Paul was born on August 20, 1935.

What is Ron Paul's birthday?

Ron Paul was born on August 20, 1935.

How many times has Ron Paul run for president?

Twice! This being his 2nd! He ran in 2008 and now in 2012. Both as a republican! hope this helped!