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It is the singer Fergie with her hair dyed black.

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Q: Who is the actress who ties the cherry with her tongue in cherry Dr Pepper commercial?
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Who is the actress in the Dr pepper commercial?

Well if your talking about the one where the woman knots a cherry stem with her tongue then that's Fergie.

Who is the dark haired women who drinks the whole can of Dr Pepper in the newest commercial?

Well if your talking about the one where the woman knots a cherry stem with her tongue then that's Fergie.

If you tie a knot with a cherry stem in your mouth?

It means that you are a trickster, having previously tied a different cherry stem and hid it under your tongue, so you could AMAZE YOUR FRIENDS with your apparent (and obvious) talented tongue-work.

Can a you pop a girls cherry if you go down on her?

yeah if u got a long tongue

Is it true that the hotter the pepper the better it is for you nutritionally?

I dont think burning your tongue is good for you.

What commercial is the song tongue tied on?

Apple ipad touch

What trick with tongue does Michelle pfeiffer do in New Year's Eve film?

Tie knots in cherry stems

How do you pick pickled peppers?

You don't pick them yourself... you ask Peter Piper to pick them for you as in the old rhyme Peter Piper picked a pickled pepper If Peter Piper picked a pickled pepper Where's the pickled pepper Peter Piper picked!! Bit of a tongue twister! You can not "pick" a pickled pepper, it has already been picked from the plant and pickled in a jar. You could grab or "pick" it out of a jar of pickled peppers, but you can not pick a pickled pepper fresh from the pepper plant like one might be mislead to think from the tongue twisting rhyme.

How do you eat a cherry?

Your talented and know how to use your tongue. Other than that doesn't mean much. some people say that you are a good kisser if you can do it fast. but some people dont agree! Also tying a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue is classified as an afrodisiac. ---- There is no evidence to support that being able to tie a cherry stem with your tongue means you're talented or a good kisser. It just means that your tongue, wich is a muscle, is strong. It means you are blessed with dexterity.

What is the hardest toungue twister?

There are many tongue twisters in the world. Like the peter pepper one or the woodchuck one. There are thousands and millions of those tongue twisters. What I would recommend to do is go to or and search tongue twisters or hardest tongue twisters. Well... you get my point, and then see what they have. Hope this helps!

What is the antidote for eating red pepper?

Drink cold water and lay your tongue out to a level 3 fan until it runs out in chill.

What was one of the first tongue twisters?

One of the oldest recorded tongue twisters is "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers." It dates back to the 19th century and is still popular today.