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Chile's vice president of the Piñera administration is Rodrigo Hinzpeter.

In the document attached, you can see the decree 839, where he assumes as vice president.

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The current Vice President of Venezuela under the presidency of Nicolás Maduro is Jorge Arreaza. Arreaza has been in office since April of 2013.

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Nicolas Maduro, as of August 2014, is the President of Venezuela. He is a member of the United Socialist Party, and previously served as the country's Vice President.

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11y ago

I believe there is no "actual" prime minister of Venezuela.

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Angelino Garzon is the Vice President of Colombia.

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Jorge Alberto Arreaza Montserrat is the Executive Vice President of Venezuela.

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Nicolas maduro

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Q: Who is the Vice President of Colombia?
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How long is a president elected for in Colombia?

Must be 30+ Years of age and a natural citizen of Colombia And for the president/vice president and in office for four years.

How long can you be presidente in colombia?

Must be 30+ Years of age and a natural citizen of Colombia And for the president/vice president and in office for four years.

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* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president

Does Colombia have a president?

Yes, Colombia has a president and has had one since 1819.

Who was the 1st president of Colombia?

The first president of Colombia was Simon Bolivar

What achieved the Independence from Spain in 1821 under the leadership of Simon Bolivar?

On September 7, 1821 the Gran Colombia (a nation covering much of modern Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador) was created, with Bolívar as president and Francisco de Paula Santander as vice president

What country achieved independence from Spain in 1821 under the leadership of Simon Bolivar?

On September 7, 1821 the Gran Colombia (a nation covering much of modern Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador) was created, with Bolívar as president and Francisco de Paula Santander as vice president

Who is the second ranking member of the executive branch?

Vice President

If the president can no longer serve who can be president?

vice president until presidents term is up.

How is the vice-president elected?

The vice president is selected by the canidates and if they win the vice president they chose becomes vice president.