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Q: Who is the President who quoted Never trouble another for what you can do yourself?
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Did Dale Lindsborg work for Washington Post?

No, this is another internet myth. The Washington Post has no such employee. (He is usually cited when another internet myth about President Obama is quoted, the one that claims the president was on Meet the Press saying he does not salute the flag. The president has never said any such thing, nor was he on Meet the Press the day the mythic Lindsborg article claims.)

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The president does not have a son. This is a very frequently quoted internet rumor, with no facts to support it. On the other hand, the president's father (whose name was also Barack Obama), did have a son-- and that is the man who became the president in 2008.

Who quoted One man's wilderness is another man's theme park.?

Agent Gideon on Criminal Minds

Who quoted it and when?

Who quoted what? and what are you expecting are answer to be!

How does president Lincoln affect today's society?

We have a memorial cemetery in honor of his for what he did in America during the civil war, united both North and South. We have a National Holiday for being one of the most outspoken President and quoted.

How do you cite a quote in a book that did not come from the author?

It is not quite clear what you mean ... If you are thinking of the kind of situation where one source is quoted by another, use something along these lines: Weinstein (1955), as quoted by Smithaars (2007: 141).

When was The Blythes Are Quoted created?

The Blythes Are Quoted was created in 2009.

Nothing great will ever be achieved without great men and men are great only if they are determined to be so?

This quote is by late French general and president Charles de Gaulle and is quoted by President Richard Nixon in his book "Leaders" (p.320).

How many pages does The Blythes Are Quoted have?

The Blythes Are Quoted has 524 pages.