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José Alberto Mujica Cordano is the President of Uruguay. José Mujica was elected President of Uruguay in 2009, and took office on 2010 March 1.

In his 20's, Mujica joined the Tupamaros movement, an armed group for political change. He was frequently captured and jailed by authorities, and escaped prison during one of his stays. He was freed, in 1985 when democracy was restored, under amnesty law covering political and military crimes during this time.

Mujica and others of the Tupamaros created the Movement of Popular Participation party, and he was elected deputy in 1994 and senator in 1999, before being elected as president in 2009.

The President of Uruguay can't be re-elected (in Uruguay re-election is forbidden). Mujica's term will end on 2015 March 1.

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Q: Who is the President of Uruguay?
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5 years and the president can't be re-elected.

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