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Q: Who is soap opera actress playing lunch lady in colonial penn commercial?
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Who are the lunch ladies in the latest colonial Penn commercial?

I think the one who asks if the other has talked with Alex Trebec is the same actress who was Captain Picard's main squeeze in Star Trek Next Generation. In That series, she later became a Q. Prove me wrong.

Is shirley Jones one of the two women in the Colonial Penn commercial?

No, Shirley Jones is not one of the ladies in the Colonial Penn commercial. I do recognize Caryn Richman (last tv Gidget) as one of the lunch ladies (she hasn't changed much and is still pretty, and the others on this commercial I recognize, but just as character actresses and never knew their names.

What is the prepositional phrae in the friends play after lunch?

The prepositional phrase in the sentence "In the friends play after lunch" is "after lunch." It describes the time when the friends are playing, specifying that it is following lunch.

What is a lunch attention?

It means instead of playing, they make you sit and do some homework

What is the song in the JCpenney 2009 back to school commercial. The commercial consists of all the kids that are going back to school having a fashion show on their lunch table?

Too Fake - by Hockey

What Colonial Children Eat For Lunch?

Johnnycakes were common, but other items could include: Cranberry Corn A slaughtered pig, sheep, or cow Milk

What did they do in school in colonial New York?

They learned about things such as writing on miniature chalk boards and sometimes for lunch they would leave early and then come back.

Is Broadway actress Martha Wright still alive?

Yes, I had lunch with her and her daughter, Jenny, two weeks ago (10/23/12) in Boston.

What are facts about colonial Piedmont's in the back-country?

-the colonial people ate breakfast later if they were rich and ate earlier if they were poor -there was no lunch -dinner was the main big meal of the day -supper was very light and was leftovers from dinner -colonial clothes had no pockets! -they had to work all day to make food for that one day

Who sings the song in the Target Commercial as the mom puts her kids on the bus and the kid forgot his lunch?

Chris Mann. I don't know the name of the song though.

Have lunch or take lunch?

have lunch

Is I haven't got lunch correct English?

We did not take our lunch. We have not had our lunch. We have not taken lunch.