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*State Legislature* *State Legislature*

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Q: Who is responsible for dividing each state into the correct number of districts?
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Related questions

What involves dividing a city into a number of districts which are typically residential commercial or industrial?

It's called zoning.

What is the correct name for the number being divided?

The correct term is dividend. The number doing the dividing is the divisor and the answer is the quotient.

What is the process of dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number called?

Summation. I don't think that this is correct. The correct answer would be simplyfying.

What is the number of Muscat districts?

The Number of Muscat districts is 6

What are the electoral districts in Canada?

Electoral districts (or "ridings") are the areas from which members of the House of Commons are elected, and for which those members are responsible for representing. There are currently 308 electoral districts. The number and boundaries of electoral districts are revisited and revised every ten (10) years.See Related Links for the most recent set-up of electoral districts.

Which state has the most number of districts in India?

Uttar Pradesh is the state with maximum number of districts in India. It has a total of 70 districts.

What is the total number of districts in maharashtra?

There are 35 Districts in Maharashtra

How dividing by decimal is different from dividing by whole number and how it is similar?

Dividing by decimal is different from dividing by whole number as you have to multiply by a number to remove the decimal.

Is taking ½ of a number is the same as dividing by ½?

No, taking ½ of a number is the same as dividing it by 2. Dividing a number by ½ is the same as multiplying it by 2.

Which state has largest number of districts?

California has the most districts coming in at 53.

Which state in country has the largest number of districts?

Uttar Pradesh in India has the largest number of districts, with a total of 75.

Which Indian state has maximum number of districts?

Uttar pradesh with 70 districts.