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Salmon P. Chase, who was Secretary of the Treasury under President Lincoln, and later served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

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Q: Who is on 10000 dollar bill?
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What two denominations of bills do not have presidents on them?

The 10 and 10000 denominations. The 10 dollar bill has Alexander Hamilton on it and the 10000 dollar bill has Salmon P. Chase on it.

What will be touched by 10000 people during its lifetime?

A dollar bill.

Who is the guy on the 10000 dollar Italian bill?

Alessandro Volta

Is there a 10000 dollar bill?

They existed for a while, but aren't in print anymore.

Whose picture is on the US 10000 dollar bill?

Salmon P Chase

Is there a Canadian 10000 dollar bill and what colour is it?

There were but they have been recalled from circulation. Had one in 1995. Purple.

Is there shuch thing as an 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 dollar bill?

No, there isnt. only 100, 500, 1000, 5000 10000, 50000, 100000. There isn't a 1 million dollar bill either

What is the largest bill in US?

The largest dollar bill is a 100 dollar bill. Currently in production is the $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100. In the early 20th century there was a $10000,, but it was retired from circulation in the 60s.

How many 100 bills are in 10000 dimes?

Since there are 10 dimes in a dollar, we will divide 10000 by 10 to get the amount of dollars it is, giving us 1000. Then, we will divide 1000 by 100 (because there are one hundred dollars in a one hundred dollar bill) which gives us 10. 10000 dimes is equal to 10 one hundred dollar bills.

Is there a bill with a higher value than the 100 dollar bill?

Namibia and Zimbabwe both use a $200 bill; Hong Kong, Guyana and Jamaica all use $1000 bills; Jamaica also uses a $5000 bill; Brunei takes the cake with its $10000 (ten thousand dollar!) bill.

What president discontinued the US 10000 dollar bill?

Printing of $10000 bills was suspended by the Treasury due to low use. The president is rarely involved in decisions about what denominations should or should not be produced.

Is President Grover Cleveland on the 10000 dollar bill?

yes he is and he is my great great great grandfather I also have his madalian and silver spoon