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The audience that President Kennedy speaking to was the citizens of America.

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The people of all around the world

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the citizens of America

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Q: Who is in the audience that president Kennedy is speaking to?
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President John F Kennedy used a few techniques to make his listeners feel like he is speaking directly to them. One is the use of second person in his speeches, the second way is by looking directly at the audience.

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Lyndon Johnson was Vice President to President John F. Kennedy. Johnson became president following Kennedy's assassination in 1963.

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Kennedy was our 35th president.

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The name is in your question "Kennedy". That is why he is called President Kennedy.

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LBJ took over for Kennedy after his death.

How do you grow out of the fear of public speaking?

Get some friends to be the audience and practice public speaking. Or you could have family or neighbors be the audience.

Why does president Kennedy talk about the weather in football team in his speak?

President Kennedy mentioned the weather and football team in his speech to connect with the audience and make his message relatable. By discussing these everyday topics, he aimed to create a sense of unity and familiarity with the listeners, showcasing his understanding of their concerns and interests. This allowed him to establish a stronger connection and make his larger points more accessible to the audience.

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The middle name of President Kennedy was Fitzgerald.