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the answer is that ages 21 to adult can vote

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Are prisoner s allowed to vote in elections?

no because they are bad people to vote

In which year India allowed women to vote?

1937 elections

Is it true that if you are a register republican you can not vote for the Democratic Party in California?

In most primary elections, you are only allowed to vote for members of the party that you are registered with. In general elections, you are allowed to vote for whom ever you wish, regardless of the party you are registered with.

Are prisoners allowed to vote in new zealand elections?

No. Once the are out of jail they can.

What is the function of the election in an atom?

Atoms are not allowed to vote, nor do they have elections.

When where women allowed to vote in federal elections?

Women were alowed to vote 14 years after Susan B. Annthony died.

Are citizens allowed to vote in Thailand?

Yes citizens are allowed to vote in Thailand. They are allowed to vote in House of Representatives, Senate, Local Administration, City of Bangok Councils, Gubernatorial elections, and Referendums.

What changes did the new western states that allowed people to vote?

They allowed women to vote so that way there could be more votes and more elections.

What changes did the western states make that allowed more people to vote?

They allowed women to vote so that way there could be more votes and more elections.

What changes did the new western state that allowed more people to vote?

They allowed women to vote so that way there could be more votes and more elections.

With the end of apartheid what outcome occurred in South Africa?

People of all races were allowed to vote in South African elections. South Africa held its first elections that included people of all color!!

Who is eligible to vote in your elections?

In the us citizens 18 and above It depends on which country you are referring to. Some do not have elections so no-one is allowed to vote.