Tricia Nixon's birth name is Nixon, Patricia.
Tricia Nixon Cox was born on 1946-02-21.
Tricia and Julie Nixon.
Julia and tricia
Richard Nixon had two daughters Tricia (born February 21st, 1946 ) and Julie (born July 5th, 1948). Tricia married corporate lawyer Edward Finch Cox and lives in Manhattan. Julie married David Eisenhower and lives in Devon, Pennsylvania.
Richard Nixon had two daughters Tricia (born February 21st, 1946 ) and Julie (born July 5th, 1948). Tricia married corporate lawyer Edward Finch Cox and lives in Manhattan. Julie married David Eisenhower and lives in Devon, Pennsylvania.
Tricia was born February 21, 1946 (age 71) - she is Patricia Nixon Cox Julie was born July 5, 1948 (age 69) - she is Julie Nixon Eisenhower
Cox has one son
Yes, two daughters, Tricia and Julie.
Tricia Nixon was the one.