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Mr. Swinford

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Q: Who invented the first communication tech 1 class?
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When was the Tech Deck invented and what was the first trick?

In 1998 and the first trick was a pop-shove it.!

How have satellite changed over time?

More technology has been invented and improved. With the satellites today, they are very high-tech. From the Sputnik to the spy and communication satellites you can see the difference. Basically, the technology has improved and more high-tech equipment also.

What century was the first electronic computer developed?

the 20th century. there first one ever was invented during 1943, computers are new tech.

What is meant by first class b tech degree?

First class means highest grade. BTEC is a rank / type of degree. So it means highest type of degree for that BTEC course.

Where was the Tech Deck invented?


Is Industrial Tech a fun class?

If you like to work with your hands, work with different machinery, and you like to build things, then industrial tech is the class for you. When I took industrial tech I very much enjoyed it.

Is France high-tech?

Definitively high-tech. A good example is the Carmat company who invented and ran in early 2014 the first bioprothetic heart (an entirely artificial heart) in an human body.

Who invented tech-dech?

steven asher

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When was FIRST Tech Challenge created?

FIRST Tech Challenge was created in 2005.

What were the Sumerian's contribution to Math Science and Tech?

They invented Algebra.