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Q: Who invented the White House?
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Who invented White House?


When was the white house first website invented?

In 1995, the first White House website was invented. This was also when the domain for that website was originally purchased.

Who is the inventor of the White House?

The White House was not invented and has no inventor. The White house was designed and built. After it was burned during the War of 1812, it was painted white as part of its reconstruction.

Which president is said to have invented the White House press conference?

Theodore Roosevelt

Which pres never lived in the White House?

George Washington. Because he was the first president and so the white house wasn't invented yet That is why today we name our capitol after him ( Washington D.C)

Who was the first to use a phone in the white house?

probably James Garfield seeing as the phone was invented in 1877

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Who invented the house window.

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who invented the white light

When was the Russian White House constructed?

why was the white house constructed why was the white house constructed why was the white house constucted when was the white house constucted

Where do the members of executive branch work?

At the White House At the White House

There is 3houses the red house is next to the White House and the White House right of the red house the blue house is next to the White House Where is the White House at?

in the middle The white house is in Washington, D.C.

Augustus Jackson job at the White House?

Augustus (Sambo) Jackson was a chef at the white house. He was a candy confectioner who created many ice cream recipes and also invented an improved method of making ice cream in 1832.