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No one knows for sure because it happened so long ago, but it may have been the Sumerians.

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Q: Who invented crop rotation?
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When was the crop rotation invented?

in the 2001's

What did Charles Townshead invented?

crop rotation

English farmer who devised the practice of crop rotation during the 1730's?

Charles Townshend invented the practice of crop rotation

English scientific farmer that invented the process of crop rotaion in the 1730s?

The Romans used crop rotation.

Where was George Washington Carver when he invented his theory and method of crop rotation?

University of Iowa.

What year did George Washington Carver invent crop rotation?

Crop rotation has been used since at least the middle ages. Carver researched the methods, and promoted it for the betterment of the poor black farmers in the south.

Why is 4 field crop rotation better than 3 year crop rotation?

4 field crop rotation is better than 3 year crop rotation because it could get the job done faster

Does crop rotation lead to soil erosion?

No, The crop rotation is to avoide soil erosion.

What i the difference between land rotation and crop rotation?

In land rotation, crops are fixed but land is rotated. Where as in crop rotation land is fixed but crops are rotated.

Did Charles Townshend invent the crop rotation system?

yes, he invented the four-fold system of crop rotation but it had been tried in different forms centuries before. but then who invented it centuries ago not the four-fold system but crop rotation itself?

What advantages of crop rotation?

Crop rotation allows the soil to recover. Proper crop rotation will replace nutrients that are consumed by the previous crop. Planting the same crop year after year will deplete certain nutrients and make the soil unproductive.

Crop rotation inventor?

Middle Eastern farmers were the inventors of crop rotations. They were known to practice crop rotation as early as 6000 BC.