Clinton was never impeached.
(Yes he was -- he was impeached [by the House] but not convicted [by the Senate].)
Bill Clinton belongs to the Democratic party.
Both Clintons, Bill and Hillary, have US nationality.
Bill Clinton
He was not impeached.
Bill Clinton
Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were both impeached.
Perjury. His impeachment did not result in conviction. However, he was disbarred for the perjury.
Bill Clinton's second inaugural address on January 20, 1997 contained 2,137 words.
Inaugural DayOklahoma City BombingWilliam J. Clinton's impeachment
No US President is charged with impeachment at this time! The last President to face impeachment charges was Bill Clinton.
check out the investigation done by
Bill Clinton was born on August 19,1946 in Hope,Arkansas.His father was killed in a car accident just a few months before he was born.In 1950,Clintons mother got married to Roger Clinton.In 1953,Clinton and his family moved to the small city of Hot Springs,Arkansas.In 1956,Clintons brother Roger was born.In 1962,Clintons mother got divorced from her husband.In 1963,Clinton went to Boys Nation and met president John F.Kennedy.In 1968,Clinton graduated from Georgetown University.Then,Clinton was sent to Oxford University in England.After returning to the United States,Clinton went to law school at Yale University.In 1973,Clinton graduated from Yale.Then,Clinton returned home to Arkansas.Two years later,Clinton got married to Hillary Rodham.In 1978,Clinton was elected governor of Arkansas.In 1980,Clintons daughter Chelsea was born.In 1992,the Democratic party nominated Clinton as their presidential candidate.Senator Al Gore was selected as Clintons running mate.In November 1992,Clinton won the election.On January 20,1993,Clinton was sworn in as president.In 1996,Clinton won re-election as president.On January 20,1997,Clinton was sworn in as president for the second time.In 1998,Clinton became the second United States president to be impeached.In 2000,Clintons wife Hillary ran for the Senate and won.In 2001,Clinton retired from the presidency.In 2004,Clinton was diagnosed with heart disease.In 2005,Clinton established the Bill Clinton Foundation to help the poor people.In 2006,Clintons wife Hillary won re-election to the senate.In 2008,Clintons wife Hillary ran for president but she lost the election to Barack Obama.On January 20,2009,Clintons wife Hillary was sworn in as secretary of state.