

Best Answer

In the US:

  1. Federal level - congress
  2. State level - legislature
  3. County level - county government
  4. City level - city council (or equivalent)
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Q: Who has the power to levy taxes today?
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A congressional power that is implied by the expressed power to levy taxes is the power to .?

A congressional power that is implied by the expressed power to levy taxes is the power to tax and regulate alcohol.

The president has the power to levy taxes?

Only Congress can levy taxes. The President, through the IRS (a branch of the Treasury Dept.) collects the taxes.

Is the power to levy taxes a concurrent power?

Yes. It is.

The power to levy taxes is considered?

The power to levy taxes is considered executive and can therefore be handled by an institution under the executive arm of the government. Governments get a large amount of income from taxes.

Who does the constitution give the power levy taxes to?


What is legislative power of government?

The power to make law, and to levy taxes.

What is a legislative power of government?

The power to make law, and to levy taxes.

Does the president have power to tax people?

No- the president can not levy taxes.

Who can levy taxes?

The Congress has the power to levy, impose and collect, the taxes in the U.S. Congress imposes these taxes through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and State taxing authorities.

Which branch of your presnt day government has the power to levy taxes?


What are the sources of tax?

Any government body can levy taxes. The federal government, as well as state and local governments have the power to levy and collect taxes to support government programs.

Which important power did the national lack under the articles of confederation?

Levy taxes