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Whoever the Majority Party want to be their leader.

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Q: Who does the house of representatives elects as the speaker of the house?
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Related questions

The majority party in the House of Representatives elects their leader who is the .?

The Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Who elects the Speaker of the House?

The members of the US House of Representatives elect the Speaker of the House.

The majority party in the House of Representatives elects their leader who is the?

Speaker of the House

What party leader becomes the Speaker of the US House of Representatives?

The majority party in the US House of Representatives elects the person who will become the Speaker of the House of Representatives. This is a powerful position in the US Congress.

How is speaker of the house elected?

The Speaker of the House is elected by the members of the House of Representatives. Before the vote each party chooses their candidate. The majority party's candidate will then win the election (assuming his or her party's representatives vote according to the party's decision).

Who elects a senator?

the house of Representatives

What is the highest ranking member of the party in power called in both the House of Representatives and the Senate?

The highest ranking member of the majority party in the House of Representatives is the Speaker of the House. The party with the most seats in the US Senate, elects a "majority leader".

Who elects a president if a tie?

U.S. House of Representatives

Who is the Speaker of the House of Representatives in US?

The Speaker of the House of Representatives is Paul Ryan.

Who choose the speaker of the House of Representatives?

The members of the House of Representatives vote to select the Speaker.

Who elects president if there is no majority in electoral college?

House of Representatives

Who elects the president of there is no majority in the electoral college?

The House of Representatives.